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N0TVJ Al White

Retired Telecom Engineer of 42 years at a major Telecom Co.
Interested in all types of packet radio, APRS, TCP-IP, BBS,
Software radio development.
High Speed Packet development  for Ham Radio Use.
Currently working on  Microwave Gear for Moon Bounce
Operation.  Plan to operate on  902, 1296, 2304, 3456 and
10368 MHz bands.
Working on an HPSDR which is an open source (GNU type)
 hardware and software project intended as a "next generation"
Software Defined Radio (SDR) for use by Radio Amateurs
as the IF units for the EME gear.
Interested in all kinds of Software Defined radio and testing gear.
link to HPSDR is http://openhpsdr.org/index.html 
Also plan to do some "Rover" operations in Eastern NC with
the Microwave Gear as well. Want to bring up some otherwise
un-available Grids on the microwave bands.